Porcelain Veneers
Dental veneers in Huntsville, AL are extremely thin tooth-colored shell made of porcelain (and sometimes composite) that are cemented over the front surfaces of your teeth to correct a variety of dental issues.
Porcelain Veneers Versus Composite Veneers
Porcelain veneers are, you guessed it…made of porcelain and will last between 10-20 years. Additionally, porcelain veneers are more durable than composite veneers.
Composite veneers are made of resin which is a type of plastic, and they only last between two and seven years. Additionally, they don’t look as natural as porcelain veneers, but they are less expensive compared to porcelain veneers.
What Are Porcelain Veneers Used For?
Porcelain dental veneers are used to improve the appearance of your smile and to treat the cosmetic imperfections of your teeth. Porcelain veneers are used to correct one or more of the following dental issues.
- Chipped teeth
- Broken teeth
- Discolored teeth
- Smaller than average teeth
- Correct gaps or spaces in-between teeth
- Misshapen teeth
Porcelain Veneers Versus Dental Crowns
Porcelain veneers only cover the fronts of your teeth to improve your smile’s appearance. A dental crown covers your entire tooth to correct dental issues such as root canals, dental implants, and cracked teeth. Crowns are also used to add strength to your teeth and protect them from additional damage.
So, in other words, veneers are used as a cosmetic treatment and crowns are used to restore damaged teeth.
The Benefits of Porcelain Veneers
- Quick cosmetic fix for your teeth
- Offer a natural appearance
- Durable and permanent
- Easy to maintain
- Permanent tooth whitening option
- Look and feel like natural teeth
- Require very little tooth enamel removal
- Minimally invasive procedure
Most Commonly Asked Questions about Porcelain Veneers
1. Do porcelain veneers affect the way you eat?
Veneers shouldn’t affect the way you bite, chew, or eat. And they shouldn’t hinder your speech.
2. What foods should I avoid after getting porcelain veneers?
Porcelain veneers are stain and color resistant so you can drink coffee and other dark beverages, but only if your veneers are porcelain.
Some dentists recommend you avoid using your front teeth for things like biting into apples or other hard fruits and vegetables. They also recommend you avoid extremely sticky or chewy foods, so you don’t put undue pressure on or dislodge any of your veneers.
3. What activities should I avoid if I have dental veneers?
There are some things you should avoid if you have dental veneers.
- Smoking
- Using your teeth as tools
- Abrasive toothpaste
- Mouthwash with alcohol in it
- Frequent alcohol use
- Chewing tobacco
- Poor dental hygiene
If you need a dentist in Huntsville, AL, or would like to inquire about getting porcelain veneers, please contact us today.